MSc (physics) 16 June 1997
University education: September 1992-June 1997,
Kharkov State University, Kharkov, Ukraine, Department
of Physics.

Specialty: Physics

Specialization: Hightemperature superconductivity

Theme of diploma: The measurement of the transport
properties of monocrystals with well-known topology of
defects in the magnetic fields.

01/2001 - 08/2003
PHD student at the Charles University, Prague, Department of Physics and

01/2001 - 08/2003
Engineer at the Charles University,Prague, Department of Physics and Mathematics.

1997-1998 Laboratory of Chromatography of State Scientific Center of Drugs (SSCD), researcher, Kharkov, Ukraine

1998-1999 Laboratory of Analytical chemistry of State Scientific Center of Drugs (SSCD),researcher, Kharkov, Ukraine

2000-2001 Institute for Scintillation Materials, Kharkov Ukraine engineer

Tennis player from 1980. Tennis trainer from 1997

Nikolay Alexsandrovich Izmaylov Publications:

A.V. Andreev, A. Chernyavsky, N. Izmaylov and V. Sechovský, Magnetic Properties of UCoAl1-ySiy and UCoAl1-yGey Solid Solutions, J. Alloys Comp. 349, 12-16 (2003)

A.V. Andreev, A. Chernyavsky, N. Izmaylov and V. Sechovský, Influence of 3d-metal Doping on Magnetism of UCoAl, J. Alloys Comp. 353, 12-16 (2003)

Izmaylov M., Rafaja D., Sechovsky V., Andreev A.V., Ferromagnetism in UCo1-xMnxAl and UCo1-xVxAl, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 52, A269-A272 (2002)

Andreev A.V., Honda F., Sechovsky V., Divis M., Izmaylov N., Chernyavsky A., Homma Y., Shiokawa Y., Magnetic properties of single crystalline UFeSi, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 335, 1-2, 91-94 (2002)